Susanne Venaas
Posted on 18 May 2021
Meet Susanne Venaas - "It’s my firm belief and conviction that when you take the time to slow down and get a true sense of your soul you can lead a happier, healthier, and more fulfilled life. Through meditation, mindfulness, and energy healing sessions, we learn how to be present, and work with clarity and focus through both our struggles and joys in an authentic manner. I would love the opportunity to assist you in discovering this aspect of yourself and your health!" VIA (SISS) Hi Susanne, where are you from and

where are you currently spending your time? (Susanne) My name is Susanne Venaas and I am from a rural town in Saskatchewan, Canada. I now live in St. Albert, Alberta, Canada. (SISS) What was one of the hardest things that you had to go through? What advice would you give someone going through the same struggle? (Susanne) A few years back I became incredibly ill and had to quit working as a teacher. I lost weight and I was in daily pain with months of diagnostic tests coming back “all clear” even though I wasn’t ok. I slowly began recovering and then found out I had malignant melanoma and had to undergo surgery to remove the cancer mass from my abdomen. Everything is temporary; joy, pain, illness, our time on this planet. Surrender into each moment and know that it will shift into something else at some point too. (SISS) Spiritual & Energy Coaching | | #SISS Tell us more… Who is @susannevenaas and what are you most proud of? (Susanne) I am currently working as A Spiritual and Energy Coach with clients around the world, helping them to live their most authentic and aligned lives. Seeing clients navigate through their own lives with more empowerment has me feeling all the feels! (SISS) Finish this sentence, I have a dream… ? (Susanne) To help others live their most authentic lives. I hope to be able to reach more people through my podcast and eventually this book that is residing within me and waiting to get written! (SISS) What makes you the happiest? What is fun for you? (Susanne) Outdoor athletic activities with my family. Dancing. Having a ridiculous sense of humour. Dogs (we lost ours a year ago, and are excited that we will have a new

puppy once again in June). (SISS) How do you deal with disappointment? How do you Keep Going? (Susanne) I’m 41 and have had MANY years of disappointment. Now I don’t look at it the same. The disappointment comes when we hold an expectation on something or someone. I’ve loosened my grip and realized that withheld opportunities, experiences and relationships help me align more intently to what is truly meant for me. (SISS) What is your superpower? (Susanne) I can tune in to the energy frequency of people, animals, inanimate objects and help others shift to their truest potential. (SISS) Finish the sentence, my life has gotten so much better since… ? (Susanne) I released the critical self-judgment of myself. (SISS) Can you tell us four things people might not know about you? (Susanne) (1) I battled depression and anxiety for almost 2 decades. (2) I enjoy spending time alone. (3) When I was a kid I wanted to be a vet, on TV, or a model! (4) Being a mother is the best AND most challenging job I’ve ever had! (SISS) Can you tell us where else can our readers follow your daily inspiration? (Susanne) Follow me on Instagram @susannevenaas I also have a podcast titled The Rebel Soul Podcast you can catch on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, and Buzzsprout. (SISS) Who is your celebrity crush and why? (Susanne) Ryan Reynolds...humour and good looks! (SISS) What’s your favorite quote? (Susanne) “I want to inspire people. I want someone to look at me and say ‘Because of you, I didn’t give up’”. (SISS) At Smart is so sexy we love to see women who are thriving in their career or business. What are you most passionate about? (Susanne) Helping others heal, grow, and live their

lives authentically. (SISS) Who was the most influential person in your life and why? (Susanne) Me, and I don’t mean this in a cocky or egotistical way. I spent 35 years of my life living for others and seeking out external validation. It took unlearning a whole pile of conditioned crap to get to the place where I realize that I am the ONLY person who need hold the most influence in my life. My opinion and truth are all that matter. So yup. me. (SISS) Where were you five years ago? What advice would you tell your five years younger self? (Susanne) Unhappily teaching full time, burnt out and depleted. Wishing for a different life and not knowing what that was or meant. Hang on tight! Things are about to get significantly worse than they currently are, but when you come out on the other side you will be changed in ways you can’t yet fathom, living in your purpose and happy with life. (SISS) Can you take us through a typical day? From Waking up to going to bed, can you give us a play by play of a typical day for you? (Susanne) Wake up. Check emails and send follow up email to clients. Post to social media. Coffee and meditation and intention setting for the day. Breakfast. Exercise. Take my daughter to school. Work with clients, write for publications, record and interview for my podcast. Pick up my daughter from school. Outdoor activity and

exercise. Make dinner. Family time. Reading or Podcast. Bed. (SISS) What is your favorite book and/or the latest one you’ve read? (Susanne) ‘How to do the Work’ by Dr. Nicole LePera (SISS) What would be a good theme song for your life? (Susanne) I had to poll my clients on this and they said Rhiannon by Fleetwood Mac which is about a woman who takes you on a magical ride. Rhiannon is also the goddess of fertility, rebirth, transformation, wisdom, magic, beauty and poetry. So I guess that all fits! (SISS) When do you feel the sexiest? (Susanne) When I’m in the flow. Creating, physically active, smiling! (SISS) Victoria's Secrets or Savage X Fenty by Rihanna and Why? (Susanne) I’d have to go with Savage X Fenty because... Rihanna?!?! (SISS) Can you name three people from social media that inspires you and is a great follow? (Susanne) (1) @therock I mean c’mon. He is smart, driven, kind AND easy on the eyes...c’mon! (2) @the.holistic.psychologist I love her balance to healing as more holistic (3) @thebirdspapaya About as real as it gets to body love and acceptance. (SISS) What does Smart is so Sexy mean to you? (Susanne) Intelligence and our ability to use a combination of our brain smarts and intuitive smarts allows us to align with the ultimate sexy! (SISS) Thank you Susanne, you are awesome! Keep Going #SISS "It’s my firm belief and conviction that when you take the time to slow down and get a true sense of your self you can lead a happier, healthier, and more fulfilled life." - Susanne Venaas