Jessica Wimberly
Posted on 15 February 2021
(SISS) Hi Jessica, where are you from and where are you currently spending your time? (Jessica) I am from Savannah, Georgia. I love to spend time with my kids, hiking, beach adventures, travel, Crossift or Olympic weight training. I am also a dental hygienist and I write dental articles for a dental website. Currently I am studying for my personal trainer certification. (SISS) What was one of the hardest things that you had to go through? What advice would you give someone going through the same struggle? (Jessica) The hardest event for me was going to college with a newborn. I never thought I would find myself at 18 years old going to college and juggling a baby. The experience was humbling and I am grateful for the struggle. The advice I would share is to never let a certain event/moment change your dream or direction. YOU can accomplish anything you want and don’t let anything stand in your path. (SISS) Fitness | Brand Ambassador #SISS Tell us more… Who is @fitwonder_woman_ and what are you most proud of? (Jessica) Fitwonder_woman_ is powerful! I have gone through a 50 lbs weight loss and discovery journey. I started my fitness journey June 01, 2019 and haven’t looked back. I found myself over this last year and a half and the growth spiritually and mentally has been powerful. On June 01, 2019 my goal was just to lose weight to fit into stylish clothing. My goal now is to

feel and look powerful. Fitness is such an empowering journey and especially for a woman. As a woman I want my daughter to look at me and feel inspired and confident. (SISS) Finish this sentence, I have a dream… ? (Jessica) I have a dream that every woman would feel inspired, confident, and powerful. (SISS) What makes you the happiest? What is fun for you? (Jessica) My kids make me the happiest. They are a product of me and I want to grow and learn with them. We have a blast traveling and exploring the outdoors. You can find me outside on the weekends or anytime I am off of work. (SISS) How do you deal with disappointment? How do you Keep Going? (Jessica) I deal with disappointment with either meditation or yoga. I remind myself that life is full of ups and downs but you must keep going. My kids keep me going and are my daily reminder that I am accountable and enough. (SISS) What is your superpower? (Jessica) I have a “sense” about people and am good about reading/knowing people’s intentions. (SISS) Finish the sentence, my life has gotten so much better since… ? (Jessica) My life has gotten so much better since I decided to not stress about the little things! (SISS) Can you tell us four things people might not know about you? (Jessica) (1) I am Ukrainian (2) I am a Lord of the Rings and Harry Potter fan (3) I won the Georgia Occupation Award of Leadership for my college in 2015 (4) I would love to one day sell everything I have and travel the world (SISS) Can you tell us where else can our readers follow your daily inspiration? (Jessica) Facebook and Instagram are my social media platforms and I love to post on my stories for daily inspiration from fitness to overall life inspirations. (SISS) Who is your celebrity crush and why? (Jessica) My celebrity crush would have to be Angelina Jolie. Angelina is a mother, feminist, and humanitarian. Angelina is the perfect example of sexy and smart and she embraces her femininity. (SISS) What’s your favorite quote? (Jessica) “Do not go where the path may lead, go instead where there is no path and leave a trail” Ralph Waldo Emerson (SISS) At Smart is so sexy we love to

see women who are thriving in their career or business. What are you most passionate about? (Jessica) I have two passions that drive and set my soul on fire and both go hand in hand! As a dental hygienist I love helping others feel comfortable and confident with their smile. My passion for fitness and wellness is to help others achieve body positivity and self-love. (SISS) Who was the most influential person in your life and why? (Jessica) My babushka (grandmother—I am Ukrainian). She moved to America in the 1980’s with my mother. She was a single mother living a country she didn’t know the language or way of life. My babushka raised my mother and became a hair stylist in Atlanta. She is now retired and travels the world. Babushka is in her mid 70’s and still wears a bikini to the beach and crop tops. I hope to one day be just as amazing as she! (SISS) Where were you five years ago? What advice would you tell your five years younger self? (Jessica) Five years ago I had just started my career as a dental hygienist and writing for the website. I would tell my younger self to not worry about the little things and stay focused on your goal. I often found myself stressing about things that I couldn’t change in my profession instead of finding ways to better myself and move my career forward. (SISS) Can you take us through a typical day? From Waking up to going to bed, can you give us a play by play of a typical day for you? (Jessica) 5:30 AM: Wake up and get kids ready for school. Of course coffee is a must! 7: 45: Work begins 1:00-2:00: Lunch break 5:00 Work ends 5:30-8:00: Cook/clean/kids homework/getting kids in bed 8-9:30: Workout! This is my time and I love it 10:00-11:30: Study/read/shower/bedtime (SISS) What is your favorite book and/or the latest one you’ve read? (Jessica) I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings by Maya
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