Lisa Kocsisová
Posted on 19 December 2017
(SISS) Hi Lisa, where are you from and where are you currently spending your time? (Lisa) Hi dear, I’m from Slovakia and I’m spending most of the time in the capital – in Bratislava – where I do my university studies in the field of political science, namely European Studies. (SISS) What was one of the hardest thing that you had to go through? What advice would you give someone going through the same struggle? (Lisa) Life is sometimes pretty tough and I experienced it when I was suffering from anorexia nervosa for almost five years which has significantly influenced my whole life. In addition, my dad was also seriously ill, fighting cancer, so I had to really stand still on the ground and grab all the mental and physical power left in me not to fall down and make a step forward. Girls, women…love yourself! Being imperfectly perfect is the key to a happy life, trust me! (SISS) What are you most grateful for? (Lisa) For having such parents as I have. They love me to the fullest and give me support in everything I do. I know I can rely on them anytime and I’m so thankful for having such relationship with them. They are parents and best friends at the same time. (SISS) Why are you so dedicated to fitness? (Lisa) Fitness turned my life into the correct direction by helping me to recover from the disorder and change my way of thinking…actually changing my perception of life. It has become my hobby, my relax, my mental escape… my everything. (SISS) What is your fitness goal? (Lisa) My goal is to have a body that I will be satisfied with, having a solid bootie, legs and shapely back with shoulders. Being strong not skinny is my only goal. (SISS) On your body, what is your favorite body part and what is your least favorite? (Lisa) My least favorite are my quads, they need to grow more. The part I like on my body are my abs after a smashing shredding diet. (SISS) What makes you the happiest? (Lisa) When I know that I and my family are healthy. Nothing more is needed to be happy for me. (SISS) What’s your favorite quote? (Lisa) “LIFE = 10% what happens to us + 90% how we react to it” (SISS) We at Smart is so sexy love to see women who are thriving in their career or business. What are you most passionate about? (Lisa) I love to communicate with people and use my managerial skills so that’s why I’m an intern – organizer – in GLOBSEC NGO organizing professional and expert forums and summit on global security and economy. I also work as a Secretary General in WBPF Slovakia (World Bodybuilding & Physique Federation). In addition, I am also an English lecturer. (SISS) Who was the most influential person in your life? (Lisa) My mum. She is the WOMAN for me! (SISS) Where were you five years ago? What advice would you tell your five years younger self? (Lisa) I was
struggling with my brain telling me not to change and stay dedicated to anorexia but I dared to say no. I could be more courageous to make change in my life because the time I wasted with slow changes has its costs now as I was in the critical age when a teenage body develops to its full extent and in my case it was interrupted and then finally stopped. (SISS) Can you take us through a typical day? From Waking up to going to bed, Can you give us a play by play of a typical day for you? (Lisa) I have very busy days. 3 times a week I travel to the capital to the school for lectures so it means I return back home only in the evening and after that I just pop into the gym and prepare for the next day. When not at school, I wake up, I hit the gym and then I do my work at home or at the office. Usually I cook and foodprep in the evenings. At the weekend, I love to spend my time with my friends in the evenings as during the day I learn, do housework etc. (SISS) What are you most proud of? (Lisa) Being determined, maximalist and ambitious. (SISS) What is your favorite Food? (Lisa) My favorite food is seafood and tons of veggies & of course peanut butter :) (SISS) What is your favorite book? (Lisa) J.J. Rousseau – On the Origin of Inequality among Men (SISS) When do you feel the sexiest? (Lisa) When I wear black & high heels. (SISS) A social media question, Facebook, twitter, instagram or snapchat? Which one do you use the most to best market yourself or brand? (Lisa) FaceBook and Instagram – these I use the most. Instagram proves to be the best marketing tool I guess. (SISS) Is there someone on social media that inspires you and is a great follow? (Lisa) I’m obsessed by Spanish, Portuguese & Brazil sportwomen. (SISS) What does Smart is so Sexy mean to you? (Lisa) It’s a brand which tells the story – my story. Being smart is, I think, the sexiest of the sexiest. (SISS) Thank you Lisa for sharing with us, please follow her journey on instagram @Liziii.k
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