Amanda Vaughn
Posted on 18 December 2017
Amanda Vaughn - "I help women create and style wardrobes with classic and timeless pieces that make looking stylish effortless. One of the ways I do this is by finding luxury for less. I offer style advice, shopping tips, and discount hunting for the busy woman who doesn't have time to do it herself. This blog will be a reference and a resource for you. Shopping and style are my passion. It's who I am and what I love. I am the woman with the extra bedroom turned into a closet. The woman that everyone calls for style advice and to borrow clothes. My closet is a mix of designer labels (bought at a discounted price) and $12 dresses. Real style doesn't come with an expensive price tag. Real Style comes from expressing who you are and with the clothes you wear..." via
(SISS) Hi Amanda, where are you from and where are you currently spending your time? (Amanda) I was born in Alabama, I grew up in Georgia, now I live in Tennessee. (SISS) What was one of the hardest things that you had to go through? What advice would you give someone going through the same struggle? (Amanda) In 2007 I was in a terrible car accident. I was broken from head to toe. I had several surgeries, spent time in a wheel chair, walked on crutches for a year, and spent countless hours in physical therapy. While the physical challenges were brutal at times the hardest part was definitely mental. I had to learn a new way to live my life. I had a life plan, a career path, a new husband, a young child, and now I had to start all over and come up with completely different plan, life as I knew it would never be the same. In one moment I became one of those "what if" scenarios you discuss over cocktails with your friends. I felt completely devastated. It took some time but I finally realized that wasn't the case. I'm not alone, I am just like every other human. Everyone goes through tragedy. Although my life would never be the same I made the decision to make it much better than I ever thought it could be before my accident. My advise to anyone going through physical challenges is to always believe in yourself, keep fighting to get better. Listen to the professionals but most importantly listen to your body. (SISS) What are you most grateful for? (Amanda) It may sound cliché but I am most grateful to be alive. There have been a couple of times in my life when I almost died but I am still here. Everyday that I am alive is a gift. So many people don't get the opportunity. I try my best not to take life for granted. I have been very blessed so I try find the positive in any situation. (SISS) Shopaholic? How much do you actually shop?
(Amanda) I shop everyday. I don't necessarily buy a lot everyday but I check new arrivals, try to find new boutiques, or look for discounts. I worked in retail for 17 years and I loved it. It's what comes naturally and I'm very good at it. I love fashion because it gives me a chance to express myself without saying anything. Fashion is also an amazing way to instantly change your mood. If I put on my leopard heels I instantly feel sexier, if I put on my oversized fluffy cardigan I instantly feel cozy & relaxed, if I put on a great pair of jeans I feel thinner. (SISS) You have the best T-Shirts (with messages) on Instagram, What are your top three favorites (What does it say)? If you created your own T-Shirt message, what would it say? (Amanda) Only 3??? #1) Rules Are Made to be Broken #2) Support Your Local Girl Gang #3) Optimism is a Lifestyle. My shirt would say "Welcome to my Show" (SISS) What’s your favorite quote? (Amanda) "Unapologetic in my evolution." (SISS) At Smart is so sexy we love to see women who are thriving in their career or business. What are you most passionate about? (Amanda) Constant and never ending improvement. I'm not fanatical about it but I try to get a little better each day. I like to learn so I try to learn something on whatever my current subject may be that day. There are so many free (mostly) resources available, I feel like it would be a travesty to not take advantage of them. (SISS) Who was the most influential person in your life? (Amanda) My mother was one of the most influential people in my life. Although she made some unfortunate decisions when she was a young, single mother and she struggled with her own demons she always took care of me. I never questioned her love for me. But the most important way she influenced me was when she cleaned her life up and completely reinvented herself. She made a decision that we deserved better and she followed through. She taught me that a better life is only one decision away. She also taught me the importance of having laughter in your life everyday.
(SISS) Where were you five years ago? What advice would you tell your five years younger self? (Amanda) Five years ago I was in a toxic marriage and I was eating my feelings. I was married to an addict and I blamed myself for his drug use. I thought he did drugs because I was crippled, because I was too fat, and because I was too old. I comforted myself with food so I got fatter and I hated myself even more for that. It was a very sad and pathetic time in my life. He did the typical things a drug addict does (lie, cheat, steal) and I felt guilty for his actions. I am much stronger because of it but I am still mad at myself for allowing it to go on as long as it did, 11 years. I would tell my younger self to stop trying to control his actions and take care of you. He doesn't do drugs because he's unhappy with you, he did drugs before he met you. Worry about your health first, worry about your needs first. So that's exactly what I did. I left him, I joined a gym, lost 70lbs., and started living my best life. I only wish I had done it many years earlier. (SISS) Can you take us through a typical day? From Waking up to going to bed, Can you give us a play by play of a typical day for you? (Amanda) I am retired so my days are never typical. I usually wake up around 7am and drink a pot of coffee, go to the gym and workout with my trainer, eat breakfast with a friend, do a little shopping and run errands, deal with a contractor who's working on my house, read, play with my dogs, cook or go out to dinner, I might go see some live music in town, spend time with my son, and at night I watch the Netflix while shopping online and scrolling through Instagram. (SISS) What are you most
proud of? (Amanda) My 19 year old son. He's a filmmaker and he's really talented. From the time we bought him his first video camera (age 10) he knew that filmmaking was his passion. He writes scripts, films, directs, edits, and writes some of the music for his films. I am always amazed when I see his projects, he gets better and better with each one. (SISS) What is your favorite Food? What is your favorite book? When do you feel the sexiest? (Amanda) My favorite food is tacos (I could eat them everyday, seriously, everyday). My favorite book is Maximum Achievement by Brian Tracy (it's old but it changed my life). I feel sexiest when I'm involved in a meaningful conversation that involves laughter and requires me wearing a new pair of shoes. (SISS) A social media question, Facebook, twitter, instagram or snapchat? Which one do you use the most to best market yourself or brand? (Amanda) Facebook was my daily social media fix for a long time but during football season and the election it got so negative. I don't like negativity so I took a step back from Facebook and became much more active on Instagram. I used snapchat until Instagram started doing stories and now it's obsolete, although it does have funnier filters. So Instagram is definitely my favorite. I also follow a lot of fashion bloggers and brands on Instagram so I can shop right from my phone, that's a major win! (SISS) Is there someone on social media that inspires you and is a great follow? (Amanda) I get inspired by everyone I follow but a few of my favorites are: @jaceyduprie who is Damsel in Dior - I have been following her blog since she started it. @cyndiespiegel who's a small business coach and speaker (her post's are bold and awesome). @metalmarvels who sells the expletive bangles that I wear daily, a business started by a #GIRLBOSS (SISS) What does Smart is so Sexy mean to you? (Amanda) Smart is so sexy means you have a certain glow about you because you're gorgeous from the inside out. You have confidence in yourself because you know you are so much more than what they see. You're someone who can hold an intriguing conversation with anyone, about anything because you know the importance of constantly learning something new. You're not only curios about the world but you're curious about everything in it. (SISS) Thank you so much Amanda for sharing with us, we are a lot better for it. Please follow Amanda on Instagram @therealamandavaughn and visit her awesome website for tips