Krystal Voice
Posted on 31 August 2018
Meet Krystal Voice - Jamaican born Krystal has been singing since age 4, writing (gospel and R&B) since 12, and began recording her own songs at 16yrs old. Infused into all forms of art, she also dances with a local Caribbean dance group, and models at various events throughout Toronto. Krystal was also a member of the girl group, "Sonata Rose", and continues to work with some of Toronto's top Studios and producers. Krystal has had the opportunity to sing/write/and record with and for many artists that have come out of Toronto... ViA (SISS) Hi Krystal, where are you from and where are you currently spending your time? (Krystal Voice) I was born in Kingston Jamaica, but I've been living just outside Toronto, Ontario since I was 6! I spend most of my time writing and singing, but I'm also an elementary school teacher, so during the school year most of my time is spent coaching and teaching! (SISS) What was one of the hardest things that you had to go through? What advice would you give someone going through the same struggle? (Krystal Voice) The hardest thing I've had to go through was identifying to myself that at one point in my life I was struggling with depression. I felt myself getting worse daily, not wanting to get out of bed or eat properly (sometimes not eating at all). I hid my emotional state from the people closest to me in an effort to maintain my image. But the reality is, I was so very sad and experienced negative thoughts (perhaps due to medication I was taking at the time). I had to find a way to get happy again and just pull myself out. I'm blessed because with music I released a lot of pain, and promised myself never to go back to that place. If I wake up to see another day, I am blessed! Saying positive affirmations helped me, "Today I choose to be happy!" My advice would be to take it day by day, though the pain doesn't always leave, it does get easier. Also, don't do what I did and hide it, find someone you trust to talk to and Release. I wrote a song "Not Alone" for a mental health documentary entitled 'The Blind Stigma' , not realizing the therapy it would provide to so many people, including myself. (SISS) Singer, Writer, Model, and Actress, 2017 Soul Slam Winner, Miss Canada 2007 Panam Games Face of Jamaica. New EP Seven available on Apple Music, Spotify etc. #SISS Tell us more, who is @KrystalVoice and what are you most proud of? (Krystal Voice) Who is KrystalVoice? Well when I was in High School I had to create a license plate with a name that described me best. DIAMOND, that was my plate, and then it became my music stage name for years because a diamond has So many faces. Each face represented a different aspect of me, dance, modeling, singing, acting, sports. A diamond represents beauty, But most importantly its an incredibly strong stone. I still believe this is the best representation of me, multifaceted, and extremely strong. To this day that is who KrystalVoice is a strong woman with many passions. (SISS) One year from now what do you hope to have accomplished (business or personal)? (Krystal Voice) In a year from now, I hope to be able to have more frequent performances perhaps even a tour for my new project I'm working on.
(SISS) How dedicated are you to fitness? What is your fitness goal? On your body, what is your favorite body part and what is your least favorite? (Krystal Voice) As of late I've been even more dedicated than usual. Realizing my body is only getting older, I have committed to a healthy lifestyle which includes the gym/Yoga /running 3-4 days a week, and a healthy diet. My husband and I have also transitioned into a vegan lifestyle which has had a huge impact on our overall health. My favorite body part are my legs, I'm lucky to have had some muscle memory stick around from my old track & field days. My least favourite... My wrinkly hands, lol. (SISS) What makes you the happiest? What is fun for you? (Krystal Voice) Music makes me the happiest. If I could sing all day I would. For me anything I do with Tristian (my husband) is fun! He has shown me some crazy things, many that I would never have done before we got married, but all of which are fun and incredibly adventurous! (SISS) What were your best/worst subjects in school? (Krystal Voice) In school my best subjects were language, perhaps because I love writing, and drama. And my worst subject was math. I think because compared to my family which is full of mathematicians, but it just did not come as easy to me, that gene definitely skipped me lol! (SISS) How do you deal with disappointment? How do you Keep Going? (Krystal Voice) I used to have a hard time with failures, but now I try to remind myself that what is for me will always be for me, and nothing happens before it's time. So if I'm disappointed about something, it wasn't meant to be! I'll Sing a song to cheer me up and move on. (SISS) What is your superpower? (Krystal Voice) My superpower is my 'Women's Intuition'. My gut tells me when to have my guard up in different situations and around different people. I find I'm able to read people's spirits really well so I know (generally) when I'm going to get along with someone really well. (SISS) What is your weakness and what do you do to overcome it? (Krystal Voice) My weakness is my temper! I think it's something I'm still learning to overcome by waiting to respond, and listening more. (SISS) Can you tell us four things people might not
know about you? (Krystal Voice) Four things people don't know... This is a scary because if they don't know there's probably a reason but here goes... I have Epilepsy. I am a perfectionist (OCD) for organization. I want to retire on an Island somewhere. I am mortified of needles!! (SISS) Can you tell us where else can our readers follow your daily inspiration? (Krystal Voice) People can follow me @krystalvoice on any social media outlet (IG, TWITTER, FACEBOOK) . Also my first EP is on all music platforms Titled "Seven" by KrystalVoice (SISS) What’s your favorite quote? (Krystal Voice) There are many quotes that I have fallen in love with over the years, but this is one of my favourites: "Your talent is your gift to you, what you do with it is your gift back to God." ~Leo Buscaglia (SISS) At Smart is so sexy we love to see women who are thriving in their career or business. What are you most passionate about? (Krystal Voice) I am blessed to be an elementary school teacher. Which allows me to not only impact our youth, but share with them my passion for the arts: Music, Signing, Dance, Acting, and can't forget Athletics! So although I'm passionate about all these things, nothing compares to the ability to share that love with new generations. (SISS) Who was the most influential person in your life and why? (Krystal Voice) I couldn't possibly choose one person as MOST influential. I was blessed to be the youngest of 4 girls, and each of my sisters I grew up watching their every move and learning from them (even when they didn't know I was watching). Then I have the strongest mother one could imagine who raised the four of us to be incredible, strong, independent women. And the first man to ever be the apple of my eye, taught me perhaps the most important lesson of all. I'm HIS princess, so don't settle for anything less in my life partner. My dad was always my protector and if my sons and husband could be half the man he is I would be a blessed woman. I learned very different lessons
from each family member, but not one could I do without. (SISS) Where were you five years ago? What advice would you tell your five years younger self? (Krystal Voice) Five years ago I was just completing teachers college and transitioning into my career as an elementary school teacher! I would tell my younger self to focus on what I want and not get distracted! (SISS) Can you take us through a typical day? From Waking up to going to bed, Can you give us a play by play of a typical day for you? (Krystal Voice) Every day is completely different! During the school year: wake up, get ready, go to school for the day, come home make dinner go to bed repeat. However during breaks (like summer or Christmas: wake up, read, make breakfast, listen to music /or write, watch a good movie, make dinner relax repeat! On any given day if I have an audition or booked event to attend that gets added to the days to do list! (SISS) What is your favorite book and/or the latest one you’ve read? (Krystal Voice) My favourite book and also the last one I read is 'The Secret'. (SISS) What would be a good theme song for your life? (Krystal Voice) My theme song would definitely be Superwoman by Alecia Keys! "Even when I'm a mess, I still put on my vest with an S on my chest oh yes! I'm a Superwoman! This should be EVERY woman's theme song! (SISS) When do you feel the sexiest? (Krystal Voice) I feel the sexiest in a pair of killer stilettos! Shoes are most definitely my weakness. (SISS) Is there someone on social media that inspires you and is a great follow? (Krystal Voice) Yes! My sister @poshtheentrepremom has awesome inspirational videos every morning, and she's the one who taught me all I know about Affirmations! (SISS) What does Smart is so Sexy mean to you? (Krystal Voice) Smart is so Sexy means, a step away from the norm of what we are fed in media, where women show sexy to mean body modifications, makeup etc. To me a woman is sexy with intelligence, confidence, & poise. (SISS) Thank you so much Krystal you are awesome, please follow @KrystalVoice