Tory Lane
Posted on 10 January 2018
Tory Lane - SLP 🧠| AZ 🌵| INFJ 🤓| Fitness💃🏻| Auntie 💋| Pups 🐶| Brand Ambassador @surgesupplements ▪️ @robcano_photo ▪️ @ladylikeasf ▪️ @vigilantandhumble (SISS) Hi Tory, where are you from and where are you currently spending your time? (Tory) Currently I live in Phoenix, AZ, I've lived her for almost 9 years. I'm originally from Texas. (SISS) What was one of the hardest things that you had to go through? What advice would you give someone going through the same struggle? (Tory) Early on in my career, I took on a higher level position that I was not mentally prepared for. I ended up losing that position and my original job. Failing at that position, and losing my job was one of the hardest times I've ever been through. I had never failed at anything prior to that moment. 5 years later, I'm back in that same position, in a different facility, and I use that previous failure as motivation everyday to do better and be better. I would tell someone that failure happens too, that it does not define you. It sucks and it hurts, and a good cry is absolutely necessary- but when that's over, pick yourself up and do better. Use it as motivation to do more and be more. (SISS) What are you most grateful for? (Tory) I'm most grateful for my family- my husband, my sister, my parents- and their unwavering support of all my crazy ventures and ideas. (SISS) How dedicated are you to fitness? What is your fitness goal? On your body, what is your favorite body part and what is your least favorite? (Tory) I'm extremely dedicated to fitness. A year and a half ago, I decided to compete in Figure competitions, prior to that I competed in Strong(wo)man competitions. I love the direction and drive the competitions give me. I would love to compete at the national level in Figure, and one day earn my pro card, but mostly I want to be proud of my hard work and dedication towards a personal goal. My favorite body part is my back- it is so awesome to train and grow! My least favorite is my stomach and abs, I've always struggled in this area and really have to work hard to maintain abs. (SISS) What makes you the happiest? (Tory) My niece makes me happiest right now! She's the best little human I've ever known. (SISS) How do you deal with disappointment? (Tory) I do my best to embrace it, feel it, and then let it go. Disappointment is often linked to expectations. I try to be objective with what/who disappointed me and try to find the areas that I could have changed in order to avoid it. Disappointment is part of life, and you don't know the good without the bad. (SISS) What was the greatest lesson learned from your last fitness competition? (Tory) My last figure competition taught me that there is always room for improvement! No one is perfect, there is always room to make something better. You have to compete with yourself! (SISS) Can you tell us four things people don’t know about you? (Tory) 1- I am extremely introverted. 2- I hate/am afraid of balloons. 3- I have the worst sweet tooth. 4- I love the ocean, but don't like to go into it. (SISS) Can you tell us where else can our readers follow your daily inspiration? (Tory) I find inspiration everywhere, I follow inspirational pages and people online. It sounds cliché but quotes are helpful, I write down the ones I love the most. I used to keep a notebook of them and re-read them when I needed a mental boost. (SISS) At Smart is so sexy we love to see women who are thriving in their career or business. What are you most passionate about? (Tory) I am most passionate about helping people! Be it my patients, or my employees. I want to motivate them to do better and take ownership of their lives and careers. I aim to be the leader that helps them grow and helps them push their own boundaries. (SISS) Who was the most influential person in your life and why? (Tory) My mom is the most influential person in my life.
She went back to school when my sister and I were in elementary school to get her Master's degree in Physical Therapy, and eventually went back and got her doctorate as well. She never missed a beat as a mom, took my sister and I to ballet, gymnastics, cheerleading and volleyball. (SISS) Where were you five years ago? What advice would you tell your five years younger self? (Tory) 5 years ago, I was working as a Rehab Director at another facility here in Phoenix. If I could give advice to my younger self, it would be that failure is not permanent and it does not define who you are as a person. (SISS) Can you take us through a typical day? From Waking up to going to bed, Can you give us a play by play of a typical day for you? (Tory) My typical day tends to be long :) I wake up at 4:30 and get ready for my day. I workout with my coach Carly and 5:30 1x/week, after that I head to work at 7:30. I work until 4 and then head home to get ready to hit the gym. I usually spend 1.5 hours at the gym, and then home to meal prep and hang out with my husband. We are addicted to Shameless and Game of Thrones reruns. (SISS) What is your favorite Food? What is your favorite book and/or the latest one you’ve read? When do you feel the sexiest? (Tory) My favorite foods change sometimes, but I love pizza and hamburgers! I listen to audiobooks when I drive to Texas to see my family- my go to's are "The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F*ck" and "The Alchemist". I honestly feel sexiest when I'm finished with a crazy, intense workout or when I'm dressed up to go out! I think women who do both, dress up and down can be sexy! It's about owning how you feel! (SISS) A social media question, Facebook, twitter, instagram or snapchat? Which one do you use the most to best market yourself or brand? (Tory) I use my IG @v_lane_ the most to market myself! (SISS) Can you name someone on social media that inspires you and is a great follow? (Tory) My coach Carly Starling-Horrell and the team at Pro Physiques! (SISS) What does Smart is so Sexy mean to you? (Tory) Smart is so Sexy to me is a woman who owns her life- someone who loves herself and others, who gets up, dresses up, and shows up to impress herself. A woman who supports other women, a woman who claps for others successes, who doesn't spend time comparing herself to anyone else. A smart and sexy woman knows who she is and what she’s capable of, and will always give her 100% towards her goals and her life. She can be anything and do anything that she sets her mind to! (SISS) Thank you so much Tory for sharing with us, Please follow her journey on Instagram @v_lane_