
Posted on December 14 2017


(SISS)  Is there someone on social media that inspires you and is a great follow?  (Erica) There are too many to list! I like to follow people that post positive or funny posts, judgmental and negative will get you unfollowed pretty fast. If I had to name a couple that I go to their page as soon as I open IG it would be Bridgefourfit, Bunny Azzopardi, Sarah Kassimer, Marcy W, Seeley Photo and Find Yourself a Paul.  (SISS)  What does Smart is so Sexy mean to you?  (Erica) What is sexier than a big beautiful brain, and not being afraid to use it?  Smart is so sexy to me is having an interest in the world around you, being open minded and being your true authentic self. There is nothing sexier than being able to engage in an intelligent conversation with a side of sass and humor.  (SISS) Thank you so much Erica, please see more of Erica on her Instagram @Erica_Bikinifit