Nikki Politi
Posted on 13 June 2018
Meet Nikki Politi Sexy Smart, we came across her profile on Instagram and followed her inspirational empowering IG posts @Nikki.Politi . She loves fitness, she loves her dog and coffee. Dental student, NPC Bikini Champion, GForce Athlete. There's no one sexier than a smart, beautiful, strong, passionate person who is dedicated to what she loves and motivated and disciplined for success that is Nikki Politi and we are honored that she would share with us. (SISS) Hi Nikki where are you from and where are you currently spending your time? (Nikki Politi) I am from East Brunswick, NJ. Currently spending my time attending classes for Dental Hygiene. I also spend a lot of time at the gym, training for my next NPC Competition. (SISS) What was one of the hardest things that you had to go through? What advice would you give someone going through the same struggle? (Nikki Politi) The hardest thing I have gone through is learning how to juggle school, studying, work, training and spending time with family and friends. Time management is super important. The best way I’ve learned to balance everything is writing everything in my planner and scheduling what I have to do each day. (SISS) Dental Student, NPC Bikini Champion #SISS Tell us more, who is @Nikki.Politi and what are you most proud of? (Nikki Politi) While perusing my career in Dental Hygiene, I also train and compete to become an IFBB Bikini Pro. I am most proud of myself for the summer of 2017. While taking difficult science classes, I took on the challenge of competing in four, back to back NPC shows. This was extremely difficult because I was taking condensed summer courses on top of dieting for these shows. When I competed in my last show, The NPC Physique Championships, I won the title of overall Bikini Champion. As well as receiving straight A’s in my classes. All the hard work and suffering I had put in paid off! It was totally worth it! (SISS) One year from now what do you hope to have accomplished (business or personal)? (Nikki Politi) One year from now I hope to become an IFBB Bikini Pro. It would mean the world to me to step on stage amongst the ladies whom I’ve looked up to since the start of my fitness journey. (SISS) How dedicated are you to fitness? What is your fitness goal? On your body, what is your favorite body part and what is your least favorite? (Nikki Politi) I am extremely dedicated to fitness. I have planned social events and my college classes around my workouts. I am very dedicated to making sure each and every workout is effective and productive. On my body, my favorite body part is my shoulders. I have worked so hard to get them where they are today. I still want to make improvements to them, but I am definitely proud of how far they have come. My least favorite body part on myself is glutes. I have a very difficult time getting my glutes to where I want them to be, but I am very determined to make this year’s off season glute focused. (SISS) What makes you the happiest? What is fun for
you? (Nikki Politi) What makes me the happiest is spending time with friends and family. A lot of focus is on school and training that sometimes I forget how much fun I have when I do spend time with my family and friends. I absolutely love the beach, the boardwalk, roller coasters, water parks, and attending concerts and Broadway shows! (SISS) How do you deal with disappointment? How do you Keep Going? (Nikki Politi) The best way I’ve learned to deal with disappointment is venting it out to my best friends. I used to keep everything bottled up inside and it didn’t solve anything. Talking to my best friends and seeing situations from another point of view helps me out a lot! My best friends will always support me and motivate me, and that helps me keep going. They are super positive and very motivational. (SISS) What is your superpower? (Nikki Politi) My superpower is POSITIVITY. I try to find the positive in every situation. Staying positive helps me and others to keep pushing and working towards goals and such. (SISS) Can you tell us four things people don’t know about you? (Nikki Politi) 1) I have a total of 9 piercings. 2) I was a legal secretary before finding my passion for Dentistry. 3) I do not like chocolate. 4) My favorite movie is Rocky. (SISS) What’s your favorite quote? (Nikki Politi) “It isn’t about how hard you hit. It's about how hard you can get hit and keep moving forward; how much you can take and keep moving forward. That's how winning is done!” (SISS) At Smart is so sexy we love to see women who are thriving in their career or business. What are you most passionate about? (Nikki Politi) I am very passionate about perusing my career in dentistry. I fell in love with the dental field in 2011 when I was a dental assistant. I became so intrigued with the field I went on to getting my dental X-Ray license. I wanted to become more involved, so I decided to go back to school to
become a dental hygienist! (SISS) Who was the most influential person in your life and why? (Nikki Politi) The most influential person in my life is my good friend and boss, Dr. Peterson. Not only did he teach me all about dentistry, he taught me life lessons more than anything. He showed me that with hard work and dedication, anything is possible. At the time of questioning myself on going back to school, he never doubted that I would succeed. As well as the NPC competitions. He knew how dedicated I was to both training and dentistry, he wanted me to pursue my passion because he knew how amazing the outcomes would be. (SISS) Where were you five years ago? What advice would you tell your five years younger self? (Nikki Politi) Five years ago I was working as a dental assistant with a dream of stepping on stage for a NPC Bikini competition. If I could go back in time, I would tell myself to go back to school earlier, as well as trainer harder and smarter to become a Bikini Competitor. (SISS) Can you take us through a typical day? From Waking up to going to bed, Can you give us a play by play of a typical day for you? (Nikki Politi) A typical day for me would be waking up at 7 am, having breakfast and then getting ready for school. I am in class from 8:30 am until 4:00 pm. I then study, complete my homework and have dinner. At 7:00 pm I go to the gym and I do both weight training and cardio. I end my night with a post workout shake, and spend time with my dog and catching up on TV shows. (SISS) What is your favorite meal? What is your favorite song? (Nikki Politi) My favorite meal is breakfast! I absolutely love veggie omelets and protein pancakes. My favorite song is Second Chance by Shinedown. (SISS) When do you feel the sexiest? (Nikki Politi) I feel the sexiest after the gym. As sweaty as I am, I feel extremely accomplished, proud and confident with the workout I had just completed. (SISS) What does Smart is so Sexy mean to you? (Nikki Politi) Smart is so sexy means to me that there is much more to a person than just a body. Working on educating yourself on what you are passionate about is extremely important. It shows hard work, dedication, work-ethics, desire, discipline and determination. Being smart is sexy! (SISS) Thank you so much Nikki, they says Hard work is the mother of luck. Keep working hard #SISS you are killing it. Follow her on Instagram @Nikki.Politi
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