With Sheri Fink

Posted on 31 August 2016

(SISS) Hi Sheri, We know your work from instagram, and we love your strength and inspiration, but can you tell us where are you from and where are you currently spending your time? Did you attend college and where?  Hi there! It’s such an honor to be featured on Smart is so Sexy! I grew up in rural Virginia where I learned the value of hard work and dreamt of being a California Girl. I earned my Bachelors in Communication and Masters in Telecommunications (eCommerce) at George Mason University. After moving to Southern California (a dream come true!), I completed a Business Administration certificate program at University of California, Irvine. I’m grateful that everything I’ve done educationally and professionally has helped shape me into the ambitious woman and entrepreneur I am today.

Sheri Fink Smart is so Sexy(SISS) What was the hardest thing that you had to do in your life (something that you are willing to share? What advice would you give someone going through the same struggle? I like to think that we all struggle.  Six years ago, I left the safety and comfort of my corporate career to become an author and entrepreneur. It started with a desire to write a book that would help children with their self-esteem based on a bullying experience. From there, I went on to create five #1 best-selling children’s books, 2 #1 inspirational albums, and secured numerous speaking engagements throughout North America. Even though the risk was huge, the leap of faith paid off tremendously, proving how rewarding it can be to follow the yearnings of your heart. I’m incredibly grateful that I’m now able to help people of all ages embrace their authentic selves, believe in their own capabilities, and go for their dreams.  My advice would be to get in touch with what you really want and to connect so deeply with the way you will feel once you’ve achieved it that your passion overpowers your fear. Then, take at least one inspired action each day in the direction you want to go. If you consistently take steps, you’ll build momentum, and will eventually get where you want to be. Follow your heart and come up with a strategy that will help you stay in alignment. Hire the best mentor you can find who’s accomplished what you want to do and who’s happy and successful in life.

(SISS) What are you most grateful for in your personal life and business?  I’m deeply grateful for my Fans. When I first started writing, I had no idea that my books would resonate with people all around the world. It’s the best feeling to know that you’re making a positive difference in the lives of kids and adults. Knowing that my words matter keeps me following my inspiration and moving forward to ignite the spark in people to achieve their dreams.

Sheri Fink Smart is so Sexy(SISS) At Smart is so Sexy we love to see women who are thriving in their career or business. Tell us about the moment you wrote your first book? Was it difficult to get published?  My first book, The Little Rose, is very personal to me because it poured from my heart at a time when I was really struggling. The idea for the story came to me while I was driving to work one day. Although I was doing a great job and being consistently promoted, I had a heart wrenching secret … I was also being bullied by a woman in my office. I tried everything I could think of at the time to make it stop, but it just kept becoming worse. That day in the car, I felt so desperate. I had given up the façade of knowing what to do. I just kept thinking ‘help me, I’ll try anything.’ The story downloaded to me so quickly. It was as if I wasn’t even writing it, I was just writing it down. I scrambled in the car to find any bits of paper I could to capture it. At stoplights during my commute, I wrote down as much as I could. It was a beautiful and surreal experience.  Initially, I was scared to tell my story and to share my writing. I worried what others would think of me. I’ve learned that the most important thing is to be your authentic self. Trust that others will get what they’re meant to get from their interactions with you. By telling my story, I give enable others to be brave and share theirs. And, I’ve found that almost everyone can relate to the experience. An entrepreneur at heart, I decided to independently publish it. I knew very little about independent publishing and learned so much publishing my 7 books. It’s fun to have creative control and to be the captain of your own destiny while inspiring others.

(SISS) Who was the most influential person in your life? Any mentors? And how influential have they been?  My Mom is a strong, determined, and loving woman of always worked extremely hard, but didn’t get to live the life she wanted when I was a kid. Anytime I feel like giving up, I reflect on her sacrifices that enabled me to be the first person in my family to attend college and to ultimately become the woman I am today.  My most influential mentor has been Jack Canfield, the creator of the Chicken Soup for the Soul empire and New York Times Best-selling Author of The Success Principles. He inspires me to continue moving forward and to focus on what matters.

(SISS) Where were you five years ago? What advice would you tell your five years younger self?  Five years ago I was just getting started in my business. The Little Gnome had just been released and The Little Rose had been a #1 best-seller on Amazon for over 60 weeks. I was beginning to do school visits and make appearances at festivals. At the time, I was still getting comfortable sharing my story and being in the spotlight. I wanted to be a positive role model but wasn’t fully standing in my power yet. I would tell myself: “You’re on the right path. Keep going, even when it’s difficult, because magic and miracles are on the way!"

Sheri Fink Smart is so Sexy(SISS) Can you take us through a typical day? From Waking up to going to bed, Can you give us a play by play of a typical day for you?  My days are not typical. :) As an entrepreneur, I have a variable schedule depending upon the projects I’m working on and the opportunities that come up. Some of my daily personal habits include: meditation, journaling, working out, showering, filling in My Bliss Book for the day, connecting with friends and Fans on social media, taking action toward my goals, setting my top 5 priorities for the next day, and taking a relaxing salt bath before bed (most days).  In a “typical" week, I’m creating a new book, product, or service; speaking at events and/or making author appearances; mentoring author clients, brainstorming new business ventures; taking action toward my dreams; responding to Fan mail, doing volunteer work for a local children’s charity; and having at least one fun adventure with friends.  I feel best when I know that I’ve taken care of myself and that my presence on this planet made a difference when I go to sleep at night.

(SISS) What's your current vision for your life? And what do you want your legacy to be?  I am building an inspirational lifestyle brand that has a massive positive impact on people around the world through entertainment, education, beauty, fashion, toys, games, and more to inspire and delight kids of all ages while planting seeds of self-esteem. I want my legacy to be millions of people believing in themselves, living passionate lives, and going for their wildest dreams.

(SISS) There are probably many things but what is the one thing you want to see from our next president (an important issue to you)?  The first thing that comes to mind is treating others with dignity and respect. True leaders understand the depth of the human condition and make strategic choices that serve the greater good. I would like to see true strength, integrity, and leadership.

Sheri Fink Smart is so Sexy(SISS) How do you feel about “Perception is Reality”? Especially when people see a photo and assume what they want. Does that bother you that people may think less of someone because of the clothes they have on? Do you think women should be mindful of the image that they are portraying?  It’s important for women to know that we are perfect just the way we are. It’s okay to be different. Other people’s opinions about our photos, clothing, and image are irrelevant. It’s not about chasing a number on a scale or conforming to someone else’s idea of beauty, it’s about honoring our unique selves … It’s about determining what really matters to us, and making decisions that align with our visions for your lives. That’s what makes us strong, builds our character, and determines our destiny.  (SISS) What is your favorite Food? When do you feel the sexiest? What was the craziest or riskiest thing that you ever did in your life?  I love Indian food, sushi, and pizza … but not at the same meal. :) I feel sexiest when I’ve just gotten out of the shower and I’m getting dressed up to go out to have fun following a kick-ass workout. I guess most people would think moving across country from Virginia to California without knowing anyone or anything was pretty crazy. I was nervous, but I knew in my heart that I belonged in Southern California so I was willing to make the leap. I’m so happy I did!

(SISS) Who in this world right now is a definition of greatness and why?  To me, my best friend is the definition of greatness. He's a very successful entrepreneur who built his business from the ground up over the past 10 years, a loving husband and father to his wife and two beautiful children, and a kick-ass friend. He works hard both inside and outside of the gym, empowers his clients to live their dreams, balances an incredible amount of responsibility to his family, team, clients, and community, and has the highest integrity of anyone I know. He's the kind of person I aspire to be as I grow my business. He inspires me everyday with his positive attitude, mindfulness, and consistent action-taking to achieve his goals and create a wonderful life for his family.

(SISS) Congratulations on your first novel “Cake in Bed” What has been the reaction thus far? Can you share your motivation, inspiration for writing this novel? Where can our audience buy this book?  Cake in Bed is my debut contemporary romance novel. It’s a sweet and sexy happily ever after story for smart women in the modern world. I’m so grateful for the warm reaction from Fans, including it becoming an international best-seller when the Kindle edition reached the Top 20 Best-selling Romantic Comedies on Amazon.ca! I especially enjoy the letters from men who say it’s the first romance they’ve ever read and that they enjoyed it. So fun!  I was inspired to write Cake in Bed to empower women to be their authentic selves and to not settle for less than they deserve in life or in love, because everyone deserves to have their cake and eat it too ... preferably in bed! You can order YOUR Cake in Bed at www.CakeInBed.com.

(SISS) Social media question, Facebook, twitter, instagram or snapchat? Which one do you use the most?  I love connecting with friends and Fans through social media! Facebook is my favorite and Instagram is a close second. I’m a very visual person so I love the photos and, as a I writer, I especially enjoy the accompanying words. Seeing posts on social media inspires me to be bold, embrace my authentically unique self, and to have more fun in life and business.

Sheri Fink Smart is so Sexy(SISS) Is there someone on social media that inspires you and is a great follow? We know you are a woman of many talents, do you want to tell our audience what you have coming up and where should we tune in to hear more from you? I love following inspirational icons who have just the right combination of fun and empowerment in their posts. One of my favorites right now is @idillionaire. Up next for me is expanding The Whimsical World of Sheri Fink brand with the release of audiobook editions of The Little Rose and The Little Seahorse followed by the release of paperback editions of all 5 of my children’s books: The Little Rose, The Little Gnome, The Little Firefly, The Little Seahorse, and Exploring the Garden with the Little Rose. I’m also excited to share that I’ve been selected to be a contestant on this season’s Dancing with the South Bay Stars so I’m looking forward to learning some new dance moves for a great cause. :)  I would be honored to connect with your readers on my website at www.SheriFink.com, on Facebook at www.facebook.com/Sheri_Fink, on Instagram and Twitter @Sheri_Fink. My books are available on my website, Amazon.com, BN.com, iBooks, and in children’s boutiques, bookstores, aquariums, and arboretums throughout North America.

(SISS) What does Smart is so Sexy mean to you? Smart is so Sexy means a woman who knows her purpose on this planet and pursues excellence in her life with passion and enthusiasm. She follows her beautiful heart, lives in integrity with her values, honors her worth and her innermost desires, and takes action toward her wildest dreams. She inspires others to be their best selves simply by her powerful presence. She’s her authentic self and makes a positive difference in the world. Smart truly is so Sexy!

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1 comment

  • Sheri: September 01, 2016

    Thank you for inviting me to share my story with your Fans! It’s such an honor to be featured on Smart is So Sexy and so empower women to be their amazing, authentic selves!

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