Mirielys Perez

Posted on 28 August 2016

Mirielys Perez - Hi, I'm Mirielys Perez, a web designer, graphic designer & social media manager based in Miami, FL. I’m primarily a web designer and front-end developer, with a fountain of knowledge in Photoshop, Illustrator, Responsive HTML5, CSS3, WordPress & eCommerce development. But I also have experience in branding and print design (business cards, flyers, brochures, posters etc) too. Businesses: I design and develop stunning websites & graphics to meet your business objectives. I won't talk to you in technical jargon, I'll listen to your needs, hatch the perfect plan, and create a product that gives you the best possible return on your investment. If you’re a business in need of a new website, or an agency that requires some freelance digital resource, get in touch - I’d love to work with you. Via linkedin.com  (SISS) Hi Mirielys, We know your work from instagram, and we love your strength and inspiration, but can you tell us where are you from and where are you currently spending your time? (Mirielys Perez) I am from Miami, FL, I Mirielys Perezspend my time running around Miami.  (SISS) What was the hardest thing that you had to do in your life (something that you are willing to share? What advice would you give someone going through the same struggle?  I like to think that we all struggle. (Mirielys Perez) I think the thing that I have struggled with the most is choosing a career because I love many things. I believe life is short and I want to do everything I love so I divided my career in three. Fitness Coach, Website /Graphic Designer, and Blogger.  (SISS) What are you most grateful for in your personal life and/or Career? (Mirielys Perez) I am absolutely grateful for my family and my baby... they keep motivated & sane.  (SISS) At Smart is so Sexy we love to see women who are thriving in their career or business.  You are a woman of many talents. What are you most passionate about? How did you get into modeling and can you share both a good and a bad experience from modeling? (Mirielys Perez) I am most passionate about helping others. I got into modeling after high school after a few people mentioned that I have a type of look that many individuals can relate to. Luckily, I have only had great experiences while modeling.  (SISS) Who was the most influential person in your life? Any mentors? And how influential have they been? (Mirielys Perez) The most influential person in my life has been my father. He came to this country from Cuba without the language and worked extremely hard created his own successful 30 year business.  (SISS) Where were you five years ago? What advice would you tell your five years younger self? (Mirielys Perez) Five Years ago I was 24 and still immature. One piece of advice that I would have given myself is to save for the future and take care of my credit score  (SISS) Can you take us through a typical day? From Waking up to going to bed, Can you give us a play by play of a typical day for you? (Mirielys Perez) A typical day for meMirielys Perez would be: Up by 6am with the baby, feed him spend time with him, by 7am I am eating a healthy breakfast and checking emails (while the baby plays in the bouncer) getting ready, 7:45 getting my gym bag and the baby bag ready. Out of the house to drop off baby and be at the gym by 10am - Be out of the gym by 11am. Home, Shower, work on whatever I may have going on that day. Pick up baby at the end of the day, pass by the parentals and then home to do our nightly routine. Work until 11pm and then bed. (SISS) What's your current vision for your life? And what do you want your legacy to be? (Mirielys Perez) My current vision is just to work hard now and be able to work less later. I want to spend time with my child as he grows. I want my legacy to be that was always a happy upbeat positive person and that I was able to help people’s life for the better.  (SISS) What is your dream job or Business venture? (Mirielys Perez) I am living my dream job and business venture right now… I am what you call a serial Entrepreneur. I own FitCrazy (www.fitcrazy.tv - @fitcrazytv) Visuapex (www.visuapex.com - @visuapex) & Forever Fearless Magazine (www.foreverfesarlessmag.com - @foreverfearlessmag)  (SISS) How do you feel about “Perception is Reality”? Especially when people see a photo and assume what they want. Does that bother you that people may think less of someone because of the clothes they have on? Do you think women should be mindful of the image that they are portraying? (Mirielys Perez) I think that yes, I think women should be mindful of their image, but also know that they don’t have to spend more to look good. You can’t even tell what type of clothes someone has on sometimes. I think its less about brands and more how you fit in clothes, I mean I found a sale where dresses where for $5.99 each and I got a whole bunch and everyone has complimented them in my photo shoot and have no idea I spent $40 something on Five dresses. It’s also how you wear it and how confident you are in it! (SISS) What is your favorite Food?Mirielys Perez What is your favorite book?  When do you feel the sexiest? What was the craziest or riskiest thing that you ever did in your life? (Mirielys Perez) I love Sushi, but I don’t have it as often as id like because of my goals to get back into my pre baby body, My favorite book has got to be the 48 Laws of Power and The Host, I feel the sexiest right after I shave my legs (I know its weird), The craziest thing I have done in my life is probably got my tongue pierced the same day I sky dived when I was 19.  (SISS) Who in this world right now is a definition of greatness and why? (Mirielys Perez) Right now I think there are so many great people trying to do right by our communities and our world that I can’t just choose one. (SISS) How much is fitness important to you and your career? How many times per week do you workout? Can you tell us more about foreverfearlessmag.com (Mirielys Perez) Visuapex sounds like a great service, how is this going for you? Fitness is definitely a priority in my life it keeps me sane and goal oriented. If it wasn’t for fitness I don’t know where I would be today. I workout 5-6 times a week depending on how busy my schedule is.  Foreverfearlessmag is a beauty and fashion blog that I created so long ago that I am now starting to revisit as a hobby and potential money maker. Visuapex is my main “bad” its how I put food on the table, my bread and butte its what I love to do which is to create which in turn helps me with all my other businesses and ideas!  (SISS) Social media question, Facebook, twitter, instagram or snapchat? Which one do you use the most? Which one is best for Mirielys Perezmarketing yourself or your brands? Which is your most popular account? (Mirielys Perez) I use them all, Instagram and Facebook I would say are the best of the best for me in my experience. FitCrazy is my most popular account.  (SISS) Is there someone on social media that inspires you and is a great follow? We know you are a woman of man talents, do you want to tell our audience what you have coming up and where should we tune in to hear more from you? (Mirielys Perez) I love Bella Falconi she is a great and inspiring person to follow. My audience can expect more podcast episodes on the Fitcrazy Podcast you can find the episodes on Soundcloud, I have created a brand new Youtube channel for Foreverfearless and will be playing with videos and trying to bring some amazing content for everyone. I also just finished creating a 4 Week Gym Workout Program on Teachable that is now available for purchase. (SISS) What does Smart is so Sexy mean to you? (Mirielys Perez) To me Smart is so Sexy means that being sexy is more than just looks its also about intelligence and the way you carry yourself. (SISS) Thank you so much Miriely you are awesome and ahead of your time!

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