Kennedy Lei

Posted on May 12 2018

(SISS)  Is there someone on social media that inspires you and is a great follow?  (Lei) Will Smith is my new found inspiration these days on social media. I love his messages. I can’t believe he gives out so many gems for free. It’s actually insane if you think about it. But as soon as he joined instagram, I couldn’t stop watching his loathe of inspiration, snippets of his personal life and insights on working in the industry.  (SISS)  What does Smart is so Sexy mean to you?  (Lei). Smart is so sexy is genius. It means that as we live in an over sexualized society of women, we are really more than looks, filters and post. We are actually intelligent beings. With minds of our own, thoughts and ideologies of our own and we actually do HAVE A VOICE ♥️ (SISS) Thank you so much @KennedyLei.