Chelan Smith

Posted on May 25 2018


(SISS)  When do you feel the sexiest?  (Chelan)  When I’ve accomplished a major goal.  (SISS)  Is there someone on social media that inspires you and is a great follow?  (Chelan)  Xonecole on Instagram is a huge inspiration for me. She started off as a gossip blogger made it to the heights of that and then gave it all up to start another blog and she’s kicking ass while doing it.  (SISS)  What does Smart is so Sexy mean to you?  (Chelan)  It means just that! Being smart and being sexy go hand in hand. Gone are the days when a woman had to fake being dumb in order to be considered sexy. I revel in knowledge, I soak it up and want to share it with the world.  (SISS)  Thank you so much Chelan, we love Jamaica and thank you for sharing with us, please follow her on Instagram @Chelan876