Keywanna Hollowell

Posted on 29 August 2019

Keywanna Hollowell - "If you aren’t aware of who I am I am a certified personal trainer who does mainly resistance and free weights training. Subscribe and turn your post notifications on if you love to see toning, free weights, HIIT cardio workouts, health and fitness tips, as well as healthy meal preps (vegetarian meals)" via  (SISS) Hi Keywanna where are you from and where are you currently spending your time?  (Keywanna)  I am currently from a small town in Kentucky. I spend majority of my time in Kentucky as well as Tennessee.  (SISS) What was one of the hardest things that you had to go through? What advice would you give someone going through the same struggle?  keywanna hollowell(Keywanna)  The hardest thing that I ever had to go through was finishing my college career while also dealing with the passing of my grandfather.  At that time I felt like the entire world was on my shoulders, but I knew I had to finish school for him.  Education is extremely important to me, and although college can be very testing at times it has helped shape me into the person I am today.  The advice I would give people who are struggling is to just not give up, find out what motivates you, what got you started on that particular journey and just know that there is always a light at the end of the tunnel.  (SISS)  Fitness Model | Resistance Body Weight Training | Vegetarian #SISS Tell us more, who is @Keywannahollowell and what are you most proud of?  (Keywanna)  I am a Murray State Alumni, as well as a certified personal trainer. I have been in the health and fitness field for about 2-3 years now. Being a trainer is such a blessing! I feel God put me on this planet to help others, just knowing that I play a small role into helping people change their lives for the better means everything to me. I am most proud of helping people regain their confidence.  (SISS)  Finish this sentence, I have a dream… ?  (Keywanna)  I have a dream that one day this planet will be completely animal-cruel free!  (SISS)  What makes you the happiest? What is fun for you?  (Keywanna)  What makes me the happiest is working out. I love just being in the gym going hard and going to the track and doing the same thing. Taking care of my body, and then helping others take care of their body makes me happy (outside of my family of course). For fun, I just love doing anything active from rock climbing, to bowling, to swimming, just being outdoors.  (SISS)  How do you deal with disappointment? How do you Keep Going?  (Keywanna)  I don’t take disappointment well.. When I’m disappointed in something or someone I just try to make it better, and I don’t stop until I do. What usually keeps me going is just reminding myself that everything I do is to set a platform for my family not having to work ever again.  (SISS)  What is your keywanna hollowellsuperpower?  (Keywanna)  I can read minds... haha  (SISS)  What is your weakness and what do you do to overcome it?  (Keywanna)  A weakness of mine would have to be that I tend to put myself before a lot of situations. That can be good and not good depending on what it is. I just feel at the end of the day no one has my back better than I have my back.  (SISS)  Can you tell us four things people might not know about you?  (Keywanna)  (1) I write music, (2) I love cinematography, (3) I can count to 100 in Spanish, (4) and I know some sign language.  (SISS)  Can you tell us where else can our readers follow your daily inspiration?  (Keywanna)  You can follow me on instagram @KeywannaHollowell , Snapchat @TrainWithKey , or Twitter @KeyHollowell  (SISS)  Got a Story to Tell? Can you tell us a quick story or moment/night of a relationship experience, a lesson learned? (This could be funny or serious).  (Keywanna)  Some years back I had went on a date a guy I was seeing at the time. Now this situation is really confusing so follow along. This exact same guy and I was seeing each other for years, I learned a lot from this guy. He referred to me as a “friend” but his actions said otherwise. He never made me a priority in his life but our friendship was impeccable and we were very inseparable in that department. If you were to ask me years ago how I felt about him then I would say “I love him” if you asked me how I feel about him now I would say “I love him”. I haven’t seen him in years but that I say that to say this.. he taught me how to care, how to love, how to live life, but he also taught me how to never settle for anything less of what I deserve..  (SISS)  What’s your favorite quote?  (Keywanna)  There’s no crying in baseball.   (SISS)  At Smart is so sexy we love to see women who are thriving in their career or business.  What are you most passionate about?  (Keywanna)  I am extremely passionate about helping others, especially in the health and fitness world. I am currently working on becoming an online health keywanna hollowellcoach, and building my fitness brand!  (SISS)  Who was the most influential person in your life and why?  (Keywanna)  My mother. She was a single mom raising three kids, working extremely hard to provide for us. She taught me what it’s like to work hard and work for what you want and not give anyone the ability to say they gave you something.  (SISS)  Where were you five years ago? What advice would you tell your five years younger self?  (Keywanna)  Five years ago I was in college. I would tell my younger self, don’t go to college, save your money, invest and just build a business.  (SISS)  Can you take us through a typical day? From Waking up to going to bed, Can you give us a play by play of a typical day for you?  (Keywanna)  5:00am Wake Up. 5:30am Workout. 7:00am Breakfast. 8:00am Shower and get ready. 9:00am Reply to emails, eat a snack, relax. 12:00pm run errands, clean house, lunch. 2:00-4:00 create some content or go train again. 5:00pm cook dinner and eat. 7:00pm binge watch Netflix until I fall asleep.  (SISS)  What is your favorite book and/or the latest one you’ve read?  (Keywanna)  I honestly can’t remember the last book I read.  (SISS)  What would be a good theme song for your life?  (Keywanna)  Goapele – Closer  (SISS)  When do you feel the sexiest?  (Keywanna)  After a workout  (SISS)  Is there someone on social media that inspires you and is a great follow?  (Keywanna)  @Jai_Nice She is a fashion designer who build her own business from ground up! She shares her journey with the world 24/7, and she is extremely inspirational.  (SISS)  What does Smart is so Sexy mean to you?  (Keywanna)  A lot of people get intimidated by people who are extremely smart or more intelligent than they are. I think being smart is extremely sexy!! (SISS)  Thank you so much Keywanna for sharing with us, Keep Going #SISS

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