Katelynn Ansari

Posted on 23 April 2018

Meet Katelynn Ansari - Katelynn Ansari is a beauty and lifestyle blogger living in Orange County, CA. She has coined the term, “Creative Hustler” as her current job title because she was able to transform a thriving modeling career into a successful empire. Katelynn has graced the cover of many magazines such as Transworld MX, FHM, and Super Street and is currently working on her own parenting line, called Mommy Made Easy. When she’s not working, Katelynn loves spending time motivating others to be the best they can be regardless of their current situation. “Every setback is a lesson if you have the right mindset.” – Katelynn Ansari Via http://katelynnansari.com/biography/ (SISS) Hi Katelynn, where are you from Katelynn Ansariand where are you currently spending your time? (Katelynn) I am from Orange County, CA and currently live here too. (SISS) What was one of the hardest things that you had to go through? What advice would you give someone going through the same struggle? (Katelynn) One of the hardest things I went through was transitioning from an in-demand, high paid model to a new mom in search of her next career move. I would say to anyone who is going through a huge career and financial change that, you will achieve your goals as long as you create a plan with high standards, stay consistent and persistent, and don’t be afraid of the word “no." (SISS) Creative Hustler, love that. A mom, business owner, life blogger, graced the cover of many magazines, tell us who is Katelynn Ansari and what are you most proud of? (Katelynn) Katelynn Ansari is one of those people who never gave up. Like I said in my previous answer, I never took no for an answer, no matter how many times it smacked me in the face (haha). I am most proud of my transition from “bikini cover model” to lifestyle blogger and creative hustler! My demographic was mostly male and now it’s grown to a 50/50 split and I’ve really built a genuine community behind “Katelynn Ansari” the brand. (SISS) One year from now what do you hope to have accomplished (business or personal)? (Katelynn) I hope to have grown Mommy Made Easy and be starting on my next business, whatever that will be! (SISS) How dedicated are you to fitness? What is your fitness goal? On your body, what is your favorite body part and what is your least favorite? (Katelynn) I’m one of those people who let fitness come to me. Some days I’m just too tired and I listen to my body. I’m always active, but with everything going on in my life already, I don’t stress or force myself to go to the gym. My favorite part of my body is definitely my arms, they are so defined from carrying my son around! My least favorite part is definitely my stomach, it just 

Katelynn Ansariisn’t the same after babies. (SISS) What makes you the happiest? What is fun for you? (Katelynn) Is drinking wine a valid hobby? (haha) but really, I do enjoy relaxing and having “me time” at the end of the day. It’s so important to have “me time” It’s what keeps me from burning out. I also have SO much fun doing something that really makes my son happy, right now he’s super into trains so I’m planning a day where we can hop on the train and really do whatever makes him feel special. (SISS) How do you deal with disappointment? How do you Keep Going? (Katelynn) You’d think after 10 years in the cut throat modeling industry, it would be no big deal to hear “no” but it doesn’t get easier. I just try to remember that everything is a business and it’s (rarely) ever personal. I am a firm believer in what’s meant to happen, will happen and some things weren’t meant for my journey. (SISS) What is your superpower? (Katelynn) Seeing through people’s clothes…Think about that next-time we meet ;) (SISS) What is your weakness and what do you do to overcome it? (Katelynn) Saying yes to everything! I learned that I can’t do everything and that in order to grow, I need to start saying no to things that aren’t “on brand” with my goals. (SISS) Can you tell us four things people don’t know about you? (Katelynn) 4 things… hmm, I’m pretty much an open book on my blog (www.katelynnansari.com) but here are some: I’m double jointed. I’m a saver, not a spender. I’m an organizer and planner. I’m an introvert. (SISS) Can you tell us where else can our readers follow your daily inspiration? (Katelynn) Of course! instagram: www.instagram.com/katelynnansari My blog: www.katelynnansari.com on facebook: www.facebook.com/ansarikatelynn (SISS) What’s your favorite quote? (Katelynn) “In the confrontation between the stream and the rock, the stream always wins – not through strength, but through persistence.” – Buddah Katelynn Ansari(SISS) At Smart is so sexy we love to see women who are thriving in their career or business. What are you most passionate about? (Katelynn) I’m most passionate in showing people the real side of business and my personal journey behind it. With social media as our main platform, most people show the highs, leaving people in the lows feeling inadequate. So I want to speak to those people, telling those people to never give up. (SISS) Who was the most influential person in your life and why? (Katelynn) My son. Had I not become a mother, I would have never found this drive within myself to start building my empire. (SISS) Where were you five years ago? What advice would you tell your five years younger self? (Katelynn) Five years ago… I was traveling the world, staying out all night, and not worrying about a budget. I would tell my younger self: Invest your money and chill on the vodka tonics! Haha (SISS) Can you take us through a typical day? From Waking up to going to bed, Can you give us a play by play of a typical day for you? (Katelynn) Ahh I wish I could but my life is so different every day. I do like to wake up early and “wake up” at my computer, I like to get a jumpstart on emails and then have breakfast with my son before heading back to work. Mornings and bedtime are our definite quality times. (SISS) What is your favorite meal? What is your favorite book and/or the latest one you’ve read? What is your favorite song? (Katelynn) Sushi is definitely my favorite. I don’t have time to read books so I listen to podcasts when I’m driving to meetings. I love listening to fellow female entrepreneurs and business based podcasts. My favorite song right now is “The Middle" (SISS) When do you feel the sexiest? (Katelynn) Post shower is when I feel the sexiest. I love being clean! (SISS) Is there someone on social media that inspires you and is a great follow? (Katelynn) I love Marianna Hewitt and Alexa Jean Brown. (SISS) What does Smart is so Sexy mean to you? (Katelynn) Smart is so sexy means that inner beauty will always outweigh outer beauty. A beautiful face is ruined by a bad personality. Also, outer beauty will fade, inner beauty will continue to grow. (SISS) Thank you so much Katelynn for Sharing with us, it was an honor!

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