Jodi Heaphy

Posted on 31 March 2018

Meet Jodi Heaphy - Her dedication to fitness is unreal, her strength, her smarts, she is the definition of Smart is so Sexy! Read more about her...

Jodi Heaphy(SISS) Hi, Jodi where are you from and where are you spending your time now?  (Jodi) I grew up around Ottawa and have stayed in that area. I wanted to stay close to my mom and friends. (SISS) What was one of the hardest things that you had to go through? What advice would you give someone going through the same struggle? (Jodi) Before I had my first child I lost three babies. I would say that was one of the most difficult times in my life. But I was determined to have a child… I Kept hope! (SISS) Who is Jodi and what are you most proud of? (Jodi) I’m a very fiercely loyal person with deep family roots. I’m most proud of my two children and how they complete my life. (SISS) How dedicated are you to fitness? What is your fitness goal? On your body, what is your favorite body part and what is your least favorite? (Jodi) I am very dedicated to my training. I’m currently on track to compete in my first body building show this coming summer. Wooo my favorite body part would have to be my butt… I actually won the hottest award in high school… LOL The least would be my stomach. I love my boys with all my heart… But they did some serious work in my mid section. (SISS) What makes you the happiest? What is fun for you? (Jodi) One of my all time loves is baseball.   I was captain of a mixed league and usually play several tournaments over the summer. Another big high for me is watching my boys play hockey. Nothing better than a Tim Horton’s coffee and cheering them on!!!! (SISS) How do you deal with disappointment? How do you Keep Going? (Jodi) I had my share of disappointments, as with others. But something in me always keeps pushing me to get through it. I’m an Jodi HeaphyAries, and we’re known to be hard headed. (SISS) What is your weakness and what do you do to overcome it? (Jodi) My weakness would be that I negatively self-talk. I’m still learning to this day that it’s so toxic! And your brain gets used to your patterns. I’m working to change my thinking process. (SISS) Can you tell us four things people don’t know about you? (Jodi) Hmmm Let’s see… Well 1. As a child, I took piano lessons… And hated them. I’m wishing now I had of stuck with it. 2. My dream job would be to bring dogs and seniors together. 3. I once chased my hen down the side of a highway in a nighty and heels. 4. I live by “Treat others as you would like to be treated.” Moto everyday! And I instill that in my kids! (SISS) Can you tell us where else can our readers follow your daily inspiration? (Jodi) They can check out my Instagram account @JodiHeaphy I post various things like fitness and sports… Food and kids. (SISS) What’s your favorite quote? (Jodi) “Don’t be an Asshole.” (SISS) At Smart is so sexy we love to see women who are thriving in their career or business. What are you most passionate about? (Jodi) My biggest passion is to help people. I get asked many times how and what I’m doing to stay fit. It’s all about supporting each other and cheering the big and the small accomplishments in life. Stay hungry!! (SISS) Who was the most influential person in your life and why? (Jodi) My Mom, she is a no BS kind of woman, incredibly strong and independent. A fantastic mother and Nana. She taught me all I know, and I love her dearly. (SISS) Where were you five years ago? What advice would you tell your five years younger self? (Jodi) I was in a broken marriage, with two young kids and unsure of what to do. I would tell me to keep your head high. You’re tough and very resilient. You’ll pull through, and I did!!! (SISS) Can you take us through a typical day? From Waking up to going to bed, Can you give us a play by play of a typical day for you? (Jodi) I’m up every morning at 5am with my fur baby… lol and down three cups of coffee. About 7:30am I kiss my kids and boyfriend and I’m out the door for work. I try and train around the kids schedules with sports and when they go with their dad. After the gym, I’m home for dinner and some school work if they have any. Everyone is usually tucked in at 8:30 – 9pm more than ever… I’m needing a good sleep to help me with my comp prep and keeping up with my son’s hockey schedule. (SISS) What is your favorite meal? What is your favorite book and/or the latest one you’ve read? What is your favorite song? (Jodi) My all time favorite meal is Pizza! I’m a laid back girl… Pizza and a beer… You got me. I don’t read too much these days, although my boyfriend and I are trying to do more reading and less phone time. But probably one of my favorite books was “Before I Sleep”. I love The WeekndStarboy”. (SISS) When do you feel the sexiest? (Jodi) I feel hot as hell after a fresh tan. My friend owns her own shop “Tan on the Run” and I’m her fitness ambassador, so I’m always promoting for her. I feel amazing with a tan, it shows off the work I’ve put in at the gym. (SISS) Is there someone on social media that inspires you and is a great follow? (Jodi) I follow @Erica_BikiniFit she’s a mom and a Boss Babe Girl Boss. A huge inspiration to me. (SISS) What does Smart is so Sexy mean to you?  (Jodi) Smart is so Sexy means exactly that. Boss Babe women living it real every damn day and helping others achieve true happiness and to love the skin they’re in. (SISS) Thank you so much Jodi for sharing with us, please follow her on instagram @JodiHeaphy

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